Sunday, 30 March 2014

Do`s and Don`t during Haunting

1. Clean the house or apartment and don't leave there any impure substances, esp. of bodily origin, and leftover food and drinks (ghosts feed on them like e.g. insects or microbes). 

Ghosts are attracted by a dismal family situation, weakened persons (children, sick - esp. mentally, old), drug addicts, violent, perverse, dabbling in black magic, ghost invocation, Satanist rituals and magical objects. If they were buried without spiritual rites and if their descendants keep the urn with ashes at home, they stay there too.

Double check if there is any object which does not belongs to the house . If you got it with you, return it to the place it belonged. If it came on its own get it away.

2. Move the children, the female and the elderly people in the house at a safe pace.
3. Be positive, be strong and remember the apparition was a human being, at a point in time, like us. If you fall weak, it is going to trouble you more.
Have Faith and Hope.

4. Never invoke the ghost. 

5. It will appear hallucination at first, apply your critical thinking and  if the activity increases gradually. Call in help (family or friends to validate the activity).

6.  Stay at a different place for a day or two and find out if the activity persists. If not, get your house cleansed. 

7. Once confirmed don’t hesitate seeking the best possible Help. 

If you have questions, please feel free to email us on :-

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